SSS Online Inquiry

SSS Online Inquiry – Years ago, verifying one’s monthly SSS Contribution used to be tiring, exhausting and involves visiting the nearest SSS Branch just to transact and ask for a copy of your contribution.

Those days are over now! Introducing, the SSS Online Inquiry!

The SSS Online Inquiry is an online service provided by the Social Security System to provide its Members and other related parties the convenience to address simple concerns such as Monthly SSS Contribution verification, SSS Salary Loan Application, Payment Reference (PRN) Generation, Printing of Static Information and some other things.

Gone are the days where you need to follow up! You don’t have to commute going to the Social Security System Branch and no need to fall in line just to inquire about your grievances with SSS. Now, anyone who are member of Social Security System and have an internet access can make online transactions.

To know more about this, I suggest you read our article and register your own account!

But before you do that, here are all the articles related to SSS Online Inquiry.

List of SSS Branches in Metro Manila NCR

SSS Branches — SSS Branch Offices can be found scattered all over National Capital Region and in order to serve its SSS Members. Social Security System assigned a branch to attend to all the Social Security needs. SSS members can transact with SSS branch that has jurisdiction over your area or place of residence (for self employed, voluntary members and benefit claimants) or place of work (for employed members:)


How To Apply For An SSS ID

How to Apply for SSS ID — If you have been an SSS member for some time now, then you are entitled to an SSS ID. Every SSS Member have a right to have his or her SSS ID as a proof of identification of membership to the said government agency. Years ago, the issuance of SSS ID was discontinued and was replaced by UM ID.


Everything You Need To Know About SSS Salary Loan

An SSS Salary loan is intended to meet a SSS Member’s short term credit needs. SSS Salary Loan is payable two years with a 10% interest rate for one year. If you’re planning to apply for your very first SSS Salary Loan, you just have to submit the following requirements:


How Much Is My Total SSS Contribution?

Have you always wanted to know how much is your total SSS Contribution? Lucky for you, you don’t have to go to the nearest SSS Branch just to ask for a copy. You can do it by yourself and avoid long queue lines and the hassle!


6 Easy Steps To Check Your SSS Loan Balance

If you availed an SSS Salary Loan and been wondering for quite some time now “How much is my existing SSS Loan Balance?”, you must be thinking how can you do this conveniently?


Am I Eligible To Avail an SSS Salary Loan?

Just recently, Me and a Colleague was discussing about the benefits and convenience of applying for an SSS Salary Loan for the third time. Little did we know, another colleague from the next table is overhearing our conversation. She asked us, how do we know if we are eligible to avail another SSS Salary Loan. Hearing the tone of her voice shows that she’s intrigued and want’s to apply for an SSS Salary loan for the first time.