WWW.SSS.GOV.PH ONLINE — www.sss.gov.ph online is the official website of the Social Security System (SSS) in the Philippines. The Social Security System is a government agency that provides social insurance, retirement, and other benefits to private sector employees in the Philippines. The website SSS Online Inquiry serves as an online portal for SSS members to access their account information, apply for benefits, check contributions, and perform various transactions related to their SSS membership.

WWW.SSS.GOV.PH ONLINE, the official online platform of the Social Security System. Here, we provide a comprehensive range of services tailored to our members’ needs. From managing personal details to exploring benefits, loans, and payment options, we aim to make your experience seamless and secure. Let’s begin your journey towards financial stability and convenience with SSS.GOV.PH.
Here are the things you can do within the website.
Member Details – This is where you can see and manage your personal information in the app. It’s like your profile page with your name, birthday, contact info, and other important details.
Update Your Contact Info – In this section, users can make changes or updates to their contact information. This includes updating their email address, phone number, and any other relevant contact details to ensure the application can reach them effectively.
Change Password – This enables users to change their current password for security purposes. Users should be encouraged to create strong passwords that are unique and not easily guessable to protect their accounts from unauthorized access.
Employment History – The employment history section allows users to enter or update their work-related information, such as previous and current employment details. This data might be required for certain features or services offered within the application.
Appointment System – An appointment system facilitates users in scheduling appointments or meetings within the web application. It streamlines the process, preventing scheduling conflicts and ensuring a smoother user experience.
UMID/SSS ID Details – This section provides information related to the user’s Unified Multi-Purpose ID (UMID) or Social Security System (SSS) ID (SSS ID Application), depending on the country and system used. Users may find details such as their ID number, issue date, and other relevant ID information (How To Apply SSS ID)
Update Security Questions – Security questions add an additional layer of protection to user accounts. In this section, users can set or modify security questions and corresponding answers. These questions are used to verify the user’s identity if they forget their password or face other security-related issues.
Benefits – This section provides an overview of the different benefits you may be eligible for, such as sickness, maternity, retirement, and more. You can learn about what each benefit offers and how to apply for them.
Under Benefits are the following:
- Pension Details – If you’re receiving a pension, this section lets you view all the relevant details about your pension plan. You can see how much you’ll be receiving and the schedule of payments.
- Unemployment Benefit – If you’ve lost your job and qualify for unemployment benefits, this section will guide you through the process of applying and receiving financial support during this period.
- Sickness / Maternity – In this section, you can find out about the benefits available if you’re unable to work due to sickness or maternity-related reasons. Learn how to apply and what you’re entitled to.
Contributions – or SSS Contributions. This shows you a summary of your contributions to the system over time. It helps you keep track of your payments of your SSS Inquiry of Contribution and ensures you’re up to date with your contributions.
Eligibility – Wondering if you’re eligible for certain benefits or programs? This section provides clear information on the criteria you need to meet to qualify for different benefits.
You can check if you are eligible with the following benefits:
- Retirement / Death / Funeral – Learn about the benefits available for retirement, death, and funeral support. Understand how your loved ones can receive assistance in case of unfortunate events.
- Sickness / Maternity – Lean if you qualify with the Sickness or Maternity benefit of SSS.
Loan Info – This section applies to SSS Member who have an outstanding loan. This will provide a page that shows the balance and other details of their loans. For more information, you may read our separate article dedicated in discussing the SSS Loan (WWW.SSS.GOV.PH Loan Balance Inquiry).
RTC/CPO Reference Number Inquiry – this www.sss.gov.ph online page allows you to check the status and details of your RTC/CPO reference number. It’s an essential tool for tracking specific transactions or inquiries you’ve made with the system.
Benefits are the support and financial assistance provided to SSS Members in different situations. They can include maternity, sickness, unemployment, disability, funeral, and death benefits.
Maternity Benefit – Maternity benefit is financial aid given to employed women during their maternity leave to help them cover their expenses and care for their newborn.
Adjustment of Maternity Benefit – If there are changes or corrections needed in your previous maternity benefit claim, the adjustment of maternity benefit process allows you to make those necessary updates.
Sickness Benefit – Sickness benefit is provided to employees who are unable to work due to an illness or medical condition, offering financial relief during their period of incapacity.
Unemployment Benefit – Unemployment benefit supports individuals who have lost their job involuntarily, providing temporary financial assistance while they search for new employment opportunities.
Disability Claim – A disability claim allows individuals who are incapacitated due to an injury or illness to receive financial support to help them cope with the challenges they face.
Funeral Benefit – Funeral benefit assists the bereaved family with financial aid to cover the funeral expenses of a deceased member, easing the burden during a difficult time.
Death Benefit – The death benefit is a financial assistance provided to the qualified beneficiaries of a deceased member to help them cope with the loss and meet immediate needs.
The “Loans” section on the website is where you can explore different types of financial assistance to all SSS Members.
Salary Loan – A Salary Loan is a type of loan that you can avail yourself of as an employed member, allowing you to borrow money for various personal needs and repay it through monthly deductions from your salary.
If you’re curious to learn more, I highly recommend checking out our insightful article on www.sss.gov.ph loan.
Did you know that you can apply for an SSS Salary loan online? Yes, that’s correct! You can do it in www.sss.gov.ph online website. If you have no idea how to do it, you may follow our tutorial How To Apply SSS Loan.
Calamity Loan – The Calamity Loan is designed to provide financial assistance to members who are residing in areas declared under a state of calamity due to natural disasters or emergencies, helping them recover from unexpected losses.
Pension Loan – Pension Loan allows retired or pension-receiving members to borrow money using their pension as collateral, offering them extra financial support when needed.
Consolidation of Past Due Short-Term Member Loan with Condonation of Penalty Program – This program is designed to help members with past-due short-term loans by consolidating their outstanding balances and providing an opportunity to pay off the debt with reduced or waived penalties, making it easier to clear their loan obligations.
In Services section, you’ll find a range of additional features and options to enhance your experience with the Social Security System (SSS). From managing your disbursements to exploring retirement savings programs, we’ve got you covered. Discover the various services available to help you make the most out of your SSS membership and secure your financial future.
Disbursement Modules – refer to the options available for receiving your loan proceeds and benefits, such as enrolling your bank account or choosing other convenient methods to get your money.
Membership Records – contain all the important information about your SSS membership, contributions, and personal details, helping you keep track of your account.
Upgrade UMID ATM Pay Card – If you have an old UMID, you can upgrade it to access more features and enhanced services for your financial transactions.
Enroll to WISP Plus – WISP Plus is an optional retirement savings program for SSS members, offering an additional way to save for your retirement on top of the regular SSS program.
Enroll for Auto Debit Arrangement – By enrolling in the Auto Debit Arrangement, you can conveniently pay your SSS contributions and loan amortizations directly from your bank account without the need for manual transactions.
Payment Reference Number (PRN)
The Payment Reference Number (PRN) is a unique code generated for your convenience to make specific payments within the system. In short, this is the answer to your question, How To Get Your SSS PRN.
It ensures that your payments are accurately allocated and processed, making it easier for you to keep track of your contributions and loan payments.
Contributions – When you need to pay your monthly contributions to the system, you can generate a Contributions Reference Number (PRN) here. This PRN helps link your payment to your account, ensuring that your contributions are up to date and reflecting in your membership records.
Loans – If you have an outstanding loan with the system and need to make monthly loan amortization payments, you can generate a Loan Reference Number (PRN) in this section. By using this PRN, you can ensure that your loan payments are properly credited to your loan account, helping you manage your loan obligations efficiently.
Frequently Asked Question for WWW.SSS.GOV.PH ONLINE
Can I apply for SSS Online?
Yes, if you want to make things easy and convenient with the Social Security System (SSS) in the Philippines, just head over to their official website at www.sss.gov.ph! There, you can access their online services and find all the nitty-gritty details on how to apply for different benefits or services right from the comfort of your home.
The best part is, the website has step-by-step instructions to guide you through the registration process and show you how to use their online platform for all sorts of things like checking your contributions, asking questions as a member, and more.
Now, while you can do a lot online, remember that for some specific transactions or certain benefits, you might still need to drop by an SSS branch or office. It’s no biggie, really – they’re just there to help you out and sometimes handle those bits that can’t be done online. So, just check which applications or benefits might require a quick visit.
How can I register my SSS?
Yes, of course! First things first, you’ll want to head to the official WWW.SSS.GOV.PH Online website.
Once you’re there, look for the “Register” or “Sign Up” button. Click on it, and you’ll be on your way to creating your SSS online account.
They’ll ask you for some basic information like your full name, date of birth, and a valid email address. Make sure to provide accurate details so everything goes smoothly.
How can I login to my SSS online application?
You can also do this in the SSS online website. When you arrived at the website, just click the button “MEMBER” and it will lead you to the SSS Member’s Log In page.
How can I check my name in SSS?
You can’t. There’s no feature in the website to do that. To verify any information in your SSS Account such as contributions, SSS static information and SSS loan balance, one must register an account with WWW.SSS.GOV.PH Online (SSS Online Inquiry).
How can I register my SSS mobile?
Yes, all you need to do is register an account with SSS. It will ask you with your basic personal information including your mobile number. Make sure to enter it correctly so SSS will be able to send messages related to your SSS Membership.
Am I required to register in SSS?
If you are a Filipino citizen employed in the private sector, self-employed, or working as an overseas Filipino worker (OFW), then yes, you are generally required to register with the Social Security System (SSS) in the Philippines. The SSS is a social insurance program mandated by the government to provide social protection to its members in times of sickness, disability, maternity, retirement, death, and other contingencies.
How can I get my SSS CRN number online?
You can’t find it online. To locate your CRN (Common Reference Number) for SSS, simply check the front upper right side of your UMID ID card. This 12-digit number is assigned by the Social Security System (SSS) for privately employed individuals or by GSIS (Government Service Insurance System) for government-employed personnel when they apply for their respective UMID ID.
Is CRN and UMID number the same?
Not really, let me explain. CRN is Common Reference Number which is linked to your SSS, GSIS, Pag-IBIG, and PhilHealth. This is found at the upper right side of your UMID card. Now, there’s no UMID Number. The only number you can see in your UMID or Unified Multipurpose ID is the CRN Number.
How can I get my SSS user ID and password?
If you don’t have an account yet in www.sss.gov.ph online then you have to register first to obtain your user ID and password.
If you already have an account and you forgot those information, you may use their Forgot User ID or Forgot Password Feature of the website.
How can I get my SSS PRN number?
We had a lengthy discussion on how to get your SSS PRN Number, you may read it right here https://sssonlineinquiry.nbiclearance.org/sss-prn-how-to-get-payment-reference-number/.
How can I check my SSS contribution without registration?
You can do this by visiting the nearest SSS Branch. Though it would be inconvenient for you since you have to travel and wait in line to be assisted. The best advice I can give you is to register an account with www.sss.gov.ph online. Once done, you can check you SSS Contribution anytime, anywhere.
What is my SSS account?
I have no idea what is your SSS Account (hahahaha). SSS Account details are private data and must be kept by its owner. Only you can answer this question. If you already forgot the log in credentials such as User Name and Password, (as mentioned earlier) you may use their Forgot User ID or Forgot Password Feature of the website.
Where can I get SSS E1 form?
You can get the hard copy of SSS E1 Form at the nearest SSS branch. If you prefer a PDF copy (digital), you may download it to this link published by SSS.
How can I get my SSS E1 copy online?
No you can’t. If you want a copy of your SSS E1, you may need to go to the branch and request for it.